Lockdown has turned our lives upside down, disrupted our routines, had us housebound and given us time to think. Some of us got deep cleaning, some decluttering, some doing household chores we had never tackled before. I, for one, have become more aware of how we do things around the house. Even though I pride myself on ‘living lightly’ and watching my carbon footprint, I have realised there are a lot of things I can do better.

Published in News
Thursday, 20 February 2020 06:26

Baby steps to a sustainable lifestyle

In case you hadn’t noticed, our planet needs help. Fires, floods, hurricanes, extraordinary winds, and severe droughts.

And it starts with each one of us! We have to take responsibility and do something. Although this is a REPOST, it is very relevant right now.

My wish is that this list will help you towards a more sustainable lifestyle, and if it does you will share it with your friends.

Published in News
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 09:36

Are you a responsible consumer?

It’s that time of the year when we are all thinking about shopping. Shopping for food for all the festivities, new clothes for the special occasions, gifts for family and friends. The malls and shopping centres are full of people window shopping, browsing and buying. I wonder how many think about the impact of their choices while shopping?

Published in News
Monday, 09 September 2019 08:03

It's easy being green

So, you might have guessed I am a greenie, a tree hugger, an environmental warrior. I am passionate about our environment, and do what I can to make a difference. Years ago I read several books about being “eco-friendly” and “going green” I made notes and started slowly. One book stands out and I summarised it for my own use. I thought you might find it interesting and possibly useful. Who knows? It could even inspire you!

Published in News
Wednesday, 03 April 2019 12:29

Your Waste. Your Problem.

Your waste is your problem

Have you ever stopped to think about how much rubbish you and your family throw away each week?

Or why we need to stop throwing so much away?

Do you even know where your waste goes to or what counts as waste?

Published in News

One of my favourite books is Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management. I read the first few chapters again and again and have put most of her tips to the test. Recently I found a copy of Readers Digest Good Housekeeping, and again found some wonderful tips for the home. I thought I would pass on my growing list to you and would love to hear about your tried and tested tips!

Here goes:


Published in Organizing

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